In the course of using this Website or availing the services offered by SpeedPulse fibernet pvt ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Speedpulse fibernet"), vide the online subscription forms and questionnaires, Speedpulse fibernet and its Affiliates may become privy to the personal information of its subscribers, including information that is of a confidential nature.

Speedpulse fibernet is committed to protect the privacy of its subscribers and has taken all necessary and reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the subscriber information.

This privacy statement sets out the approach of Speedpulse fibernet in relation to the treatment of subscriber's personal information. It includes information on how Speedpulse fibernet collects, uses, discloses and secures, personal information of its subscribers. Personal information held by Speedpulse fibernet may include its subscriber's name, date of birth, current and previous addresses, telephone/mobile phone number, email address, bank account or credit card details, occupation, driving license number and his Speedpulse fibernet username or password etc.

The personal information of its subscribers is collected, processed and used by Speedpulse fibernet for the purposes of managing the subscriber's account, providing connectivity and technical or non-technical support. It may also be used for promoting and marketing services offered or promoted by Speedpulse fibernet (through e-mail, telemarketing, SMS and MMS messages), which may be of interest and benefit to its subscribers.

In addition, while using Speedpulse fibernet services, the subscribers might use some of their personal information online that is accessible to the public and Speedpulse fibernet will not be responsible for the use or misuse of such information. The Web Site contains links to other Websites/Portals operated by third parties. Speedpulse fibernet is not responsible for the privacy practices or policies of such third party Websites/Portals.

Speedpulse fibernet assures not to disclose its subscriber's personal information to any third party, which could lead to invasion of his privacy except when required to do so by Law.

The subscriber would be required to cooperate with Speedpulse fibernet to ensure the security of the information by not disclosing their User ID and Password to any other person.

Speedpulse fibernet reserves the right to amend or modify this privacy statement at any time.